Hello and welcome,

having spent years wanting to focus on making art, I finally feel I have the opportunity to be myself and follow through all the ideas, thought and feelings which constantly bombard me. Here you will find an exploration of how I see and feel the world. Enjoy.


Chinese bridge infrared Swanwick shore path

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I probably love just about everything about photography (except sitting at a computer and editing.) Obsessed with light, the outdoors and the challenge of using photography and art to express what I see and different ways of seeing. Sometimes that might mean exploring natural details in a stark true-to-life way, at other times that might mean using infrared to show a familiar scene with a different mood, or intentionally moving the camera to capture a different element of a scene.


Photography takes me to my happy place where science meets art. To a large extent self-taught, my experience teaching as well as photographic experience means I am keen and competent in sharing my expertise with others. This could be those just wanting to take better photos with a phone, those exploring the potential of a digital SLR or mirrorless camera or someone wanting to explore a specific type of photography, like infrared. Please get in touch if you are interested in face to face, one-to-one, small group or family coaching.


I have added several galleries of my non-photography based artwork more recently. More info, including workshops, can be found here https://www.alisainsburyart.co.uk/


Please enjoy my gallery,




Featured Galleries & Collections
Chernobyl MonoInfrared